Tuesday, January 28, 2003

Do you see THIS? Do I know this person, Kevin Landers? I know I've already taken a few photos in a planned series of almost identical work that I started sometime last year. Weird. When I was taking my pictures on the street did the same thing just spontaneously generate at the same time for this Landers fellow? I wonder how many others there are out there. Has this ever happened to you?

It has happened to me before. Looking at Grad schools in 2001, I ran into this Hunter Spring 2000 thesis show online. Scroll down to see a detail of Frank Gonzales wall covered in ducksauce packets. I was mucking around with and idea similar to this at about the exact same time this guy was doing it, but I never made the piece and I never talked about it. I emotionally find it utterly impossible that this spontaneously generated thing could happen to me twice. Right now I am thinking it would be pretty cool to get in touch with Mr. Landers and Mr. Gonzales and see what the hell they think of me or see what other works we had replicated with out any foreknowledge of each other. shiver.

Even scarier, what does this mean for art or for the human impulse to make things, it's not like coming up with algebra or the wheel or iron ore. These are all functional things waiting to be discovered. It's also not like we all did a painting of a car, or a girl, or a vase of flowers, is it? There is something very, very weird and different conception and representation right now.

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